Sunday 20 September 2015

Sandstone Soap

Sandstone Soap
'An uplifting and skin-smoothing citrus soap that brings to mind the beaches of Brazil. Waves of sand and a lemony scent will transport you to a tropical beach, sipping seaside cocktails. We've used the incredibly uplifting litsea cubeba oil to wake up your mind, then wake up your skin with the sandy scrub. It's the perfect soap for summer, or whenever you want to feel bright and breezy.'
This is an overall pleasant soap with gentle citrus notes. The sand that gives this soap it's name is very abrasive, which can be both a positive and a negative quality. This roughness is great to get rid of hard skin on the bottoms of your feet but not for sensitive parts of you skin. Sandstone creates quite a good foamy lather that leaves the skin feeling clean but not dried out. I would consider repurchasing this soap when I have run out of the soap I have.

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