Thursday 1 October 2015

Whoosh Shower Jelly

'If you’re a little wobbly with overtiredness, Whoosh will give you the oomph you need. Its zingy fragrance and slinky feel will blast away fatigue, especially if you chill this jelly in the fridge or freezer beforehand. We’ve mixed seaweed, fresh citrus juices, rosemary and geranium oils into this pot. Scoop some of the gel out and use like a soap to cleanse and lift away dead skin cells, leaving you brighter and fresher.'

I am currently using this as a whole jelly as a soap, but there are other ways to use shower jellies. You can cut it into cubes and mush it in a sponge to use in the shower, you can run a lump under the taps when filling the bath to use as a bubble bar, or you could use it as a whole thing like a bar of soap.

'Whoosh' smells great and wakes you up, and lathers up great. However the jelly does start to disintegrate if you leave it wet between uses. Overall  I love this product and will definitely repurchase it when I run out.


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