Sunday 15 March 2015

Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb

Ickle Baby Bot
Ickle Baby Bot is 'A gentle lavender bath bomb to relax children before bedtime. This is a bath bomb designed to look after young children’s delicate skin, and is so gentle it’s suitable for babies over six months. Its aromatherapy oils also work to soothe irritable cherubs before bedtime. Lavender is a calming aromatherapy oil, used in traditional medicine to treat skin irritations, sunburn and insect bites.'
 This bath bomb dissolved very quickly and left behind a gentle scent of lavender and chamomile caused me to feel very relaxed. It made the water a soft pastel blue colour the made my skin feel great afterwards. This would be great to use with small children as it is mild for a child's sensitive skin.

Colour: 6/10
Scent: 8/10
Fizz: 5/10
Overall: 6/10

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