Wednesday 25 March 2015

Dr. Peppermint Shampoo Bar

Dr. Peppermint
I was quite dubious about this going into it. I had never used a shampoo bar before, so was unsure as to how well it would work on my hair. My hair is very long at around 90cm in length and quite thick so I was nervous leaving behind my usual shampoo.
I was pleasantly surprised by this shampoo bar. It smelled fresh liked peppermint chewing gum and lathered very well. You need very little of this shampoo bar, it has not shrunk at all after two uses and I can see this lasting a hell of a long time. It has become a definite favourite, if only it wasn't a kitchen product instead of a permanent product.

Monday 23 March 2015

Error 404 Ballistic

Error 404

I received Error 404 in a competition prize bundle, so it was quite an old bath bomb (from the April 2014 Lush Kitchen batch), it therefore had lost its scent. Aside from there being no scent whatsoever, the colour this bath bomb turned the water was a beautiful blue smattered with a large amount of gold glitter. The glitter did leave a large amount of residue in the bath after it had been emptied, however it didn't detract from the overall enjoyment of the bath. Error 404 gave quite a show, the gold glitter giving way to a vibrant blue, that in turn dissolving away to show a glitter core.
I would like to try this product again sometime, when it is fresh and still has a scent. When/if this happens I will be sure to update this review.

Fizz: 8/10
Scent: - /10
Colour: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Sunday 22 March 2015

Haul #1

These are a group of products I won in the March monthly competition held by Jen at All Things Lush UK. There is a total of 19 products, 2 samples and a handmade Lush DIY. The products are:

I am very excited to try all of these products and will post reviews once I have tried them.

Saturday 21 March 2015

Pot O' Gold Shower Jelly

Pot O' Gold
'At the end of every rainbow lies sweet, decadently-scented jelly. Orange peel decoction and fresh pineapple juice are blended with shimmer to add some shine to your showering.'
Pot O' Gold lathered adequately, it didn't lather exceptionally well, but it did froth. This product also contains gold lustre. When you waft this product under your nose it smells a bit like burnt cinder toffee (and nothing like the orange and pineapple it claims to contain), but when you inhale the smell directly from the pot it is overwhelmingly strong, it is also very strong when you lather it up in a sponge. If you love this smell, that isn't a bad thing, but if like me you are not overly fond, the strong scent isn't ideal.  
UPDATE: After trying this product a few more times, I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely HATE this product, it smells awful. I am glad that this was a limited edition product for Easter 2015, as 'Pot O' Gold' is a waste of shelf space.


Friday 20 March 2015

Hoppity Poppity Bath Bomb

Hoppity Poppity
'Sometimes you're up and sometimes you're down. When you're down, bounce back with this fantastically fizzy little bunny. Drop in the bath for a fresh, herbal experience that will leave you feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Popping candy adds a little fun.'


Hoppity Poppity turns the water a barely-there pink, sprinkled with silver glitter. To me this bath bomb smells like grass, but it smells like talcum powder to my mother, I do not like it either way, it is a bit too herbal for my tastes. Hoppity Poppity was one of those scents that smell nice in the shop, but when you get it home you wonder why the hell you bought it. This bath bomb dissolves almost instantly and there it no show of beautiful colours.
Colour: 3/10
Fizz: 4/10
Scent: 3/10
Overall: 4/10

Tuesday 17 March 2015

Honey Bee Bath Bomb

Honey Bee
'A good soak in a Honey Bee bath will soothe and cleanse the skin thanks to its wonder trio of honey, aloe vera, and rhassoul mud, a clay mined near Morocco’s Atlas Mountains. Honey is a wonder ingredient that soothes, retains moisture and is antiseptic, and we add plenty of cooling aloe vera, too. Rhassoul mud has natural cleansing properties, and also helps condition and soften the skin.'
The colour this bath bomb turns the water is a horrible yellow. The smell is nice, but very weak, and the rhassoul mud didn't exfoliate but scraped sharply and painfully against my skin. This is the worst Lush bath bomb I have tried to date and I will not be buying another in the foreseeable future.
Colour: 1/10
Scent: 7/10
Fizz: 6/10
Overall: 4/10

Blackberry Bath Bomb

Blackberry Bath Bomb
'As soon as you drop this into your bath, tension is banished as the bergamot and frankincense oils are released. Bergamot is used in aromatherapy for anxiety, depression and nervous tension, and is both relaxing and uplifting as well as antibacterial. You’ll soon feel calmed as frankincense oil helps slow down breathing and induces a feeling of wellbeing.'

Blackberry Bath Bomb turns the bath water the most vivid shade of purple you will ever see. The bath bomb takes quite a while to fully dissolve so the show isn't over too quickly. The scent is pleasant and quite strong when the bath bomb has dissolved.

Colour: 10/10
Fizz: 9/10
Scent: 8/10
Overall: 9/10

Charity Pot Hand and Body Lotion

Charity Pot
'An all-round body lotion that does a lot of good - and not just to your skin. A rich and generous cream that not only helps your skin to look its best, but also adds a glow to the small grassroots charities we work with, as all proceeds go directly to them. With every purchase of Charity Pot, we donate 100% of the price (minus the taxes) to small, grassroots organisations that could use the helping hand to continue the incredible work that they do.'
The 10g pots of this cream are ideal to keep in your handbag. The cream leaves you skin soft and silky, it isn't greasy, and you don't need a lot so one of these pots last a long time. The scent isn't amazing, but it isn't at all unpleasant. Every time I am in a Lush store or when I order online, I put one of these in my basket, at only £1 per pot they are cheap for the length of time each one lasts. Lush also donates the money raised by the Charity Pots to good organisations.

Monday 16 March 2015

The Comforter Bubble Bar

The Comforter
'Sometimes you just need to shut yourself off from the outside world under a blanket of fruity foam that will put you back in the right frame of mind to face the world. Cassis absolute gives a distinctive blackcurrant fragrance, while bergamot adds an uplifting note.'
The Comforter is my favourite bubble bar to date. It is a classic that will never grow old. The water is turned a vibrant pink and the scent released from the bar is divine. I used 1/6th of a large bar and loads of bubbles were formed.

Scent: 9/10
Bubbles: 9/10
Colour: 9/10
Overall: 9/10

Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly

Sweetie Pie

'A shower jelly with cherries, bergamot, blackcurrant and sparkles for wobbly fun. We make an infusion with cherries and coconut, and then add carrageenan seaweed extract and boil it up to make a jelly. Cassis absolute gives a blackcurrant fragrance alongside a light refreshing note from the bergamot and cypress oil.'
I love shower jellies they are such fun and have a great concept. There are different ways in which people use shower jellies. I use mine by cutting a jelly up into small cubes and then putting them back in the tub. Every time I have a shower I take one cube and massage it into a wet sponge. It creates a good lather.
Sweetie Pie smells amazing, both sweet and fruity notes, the same scent as The Comforter. Aside from being quite messy to use, with it being so slippery, Sweetie Pie is a great product.

Bubblegrub Bubbleroon


It's a bug-eat-bug world out there. This little cutie will create a cocoon of shimmering, creamy bubbles. It will leave you feeling fly with softening shea butter, earthy vetivert and aromatic sandalwood.
I absolutely hated this scent, it was really strong and overpowering when it was dissolved in the bath. I ordered this product online, which I don't think is ideal when ordering Lush products as you may end up with products you don't like the scent of. It made the bath water a nice colour and it bubbled up well.

Scent: 1/10
Colour: 6/10
Bubbles: 7/10
Overall: 4/10

Tiny Hands Solid Hand Cream

Tiny Hands
Tiny Hands, 'A solid hand cream that uses natural butters to moisturise the hands, but doesn't feel greasy. With its decoction of sago and safflower, Tiny Hands is great for calming and protecting hardworking hands. Marigold reduces redness and aloe vera extract is also beneficial to irritated skin, working alongside the antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties of chamomile oil. Cocoa and shea butters work with argan oil to hydrate your skin.'
I am really not fond of the scent of this product, so I did not use this product on my hands where I would be able to smell it constantly. However I did use this product on my feet though, as it is very moisturising. It wasn't at all greasy and soaked into the skin well and left my feet feeling soft.

Sunday 15 March 2015

Mother Superior Bubble Bar

Mother Superior

Mother Superior has been given the description 'Give us today our daily bath and deliver us from uncleanliness with delicate floral bubbles that unfurl like cherry blossoms in the spring.' I can't smell the cherry blossoms, but they are right about the cleanliness, I found this bubble bar to smell clean - like freshly washed linen.
It wasn't an unpleasant scent but I don't know how I feel about it in a bath product. I cut Mother Superior up into five pieces and it made plenty of bubbles and made the water a pretty shade of blue.


Bubbles: 9/10
Scent: 6/10
Colour: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

Ickle Baby Bot Bath Bomb

Ickle Baby Bot
Ickle Baby Bot is 'A gentle lavender bath bomb to relax children before bedtime. This is a bath bomb designed to look after young children’s delicate skin, and is so gentle it’s suitable for babies over six months. Its aromatherapy oils also work to soothe irritable cherubs before bedtime. Lavender is a calming aromatherapy oil, used in traditional medicine to treat skin irritations, sunburn and insect bites.'
 This bath bomb dissolved very quickly and left behind a gentle scent of lavender and chamomile caused me to feel very relaxed. It made the water a soft pastel blue colour the made my skin feel great afterwards. This would be great to use with small children as it is mild for a child's sensitive skin.

Colour: 6/10
Scent: 8/10
Fizz: 5/10
Overall: 6/10

Popcorn Lip Scrub

Popcorn Lip Scrub
Popcorn lip scrub is described as 'Popcorn makes sure your lips are the main feature thanks to the special effects of coconut oil, sugar and sea salt. You’ll be ready for your close-up once Popcorn’s sugar, sea salt and polenta combine with coconut and jojoba oils to buff and prime your lips – without leaving a film. Just gently rub the popping candy-sweet scrub onto your lips with a clean finger, and your Hollywood smile is all set.'
Popcorn smells amazing, just like popcorn and tastes great, although it is a little too salty. It makes your lips extremely soft, but you have to be careful not to scrub too hard or use it too often of your lips will get sore. At first this product was hard to use, but I soon got the hang of it.
Popcorn is a great product to keep in your bag as it is in a small compact jar, and is easy to use with practice.

Saturday 14 March 2015

Space Girl Ballistic

Space Girl
Space Girl was the first product I ever brought from Lush and is described as 'A space-dust filled bath bomb with a sweet and fruity fragrance. Once you drop this into your bath, Space Girl crackles with space dust (popping candy) as it spins around your orbit, restoring your good cheer. Grapefruit oil is refreshing and uplifting for the mood, clarifying and toning the skin, while bergamot makes you feel relaxed and cheerful.'
The minute I put Space Girl in the bath it make it look like a nebula, it was beautiful. the sweet, fruity scent was strong but not overpowering, it made my skin silky soft and I could still smell the scent on my body a few hours later.

Smell: 9/10
Colour: 9/10
Fizz: 8/10
Overall: 8/10

The Beginning

I am a newbie Lushie and the first time I ever stepped foot in a Lush store was around two months ago. Ever since then I have been hooked. I'm not crazy obsessed as a lot of people are, but I would call myself a fan. This is the story up to this day about how my Lush loving started.

The reason I ever went into Lush in the first place was because their shop in my local town had just moved to a bigger shop, it was swarming with teenage girls and I wanted to know what all the fuss was about. I walked in and was immediately greeted by a concoction of scents and chirpy shop assistants. I was overwhelmed, I'm not the most social person so I politely declined the help of the shop assistants and walked around the shop in awe. I'd never seen so many brightly coloured bath products in my life, it was beautiful but I had no idea what any of the things were - I mean how could I know what a shower smoothie was - so I left empty handed.

Space Girl
My second visit at least resulted in a purchase. A single bath ballistic - Space Girl. I carried it all the way home, smelling it periodically, it smelt amazing. I used it that night and was in wonder at the beautiful colour my bath water was turned. This single bath ballistic was the start of the minor obsession I have now. 
My next visit to Lush - just a few days after my second visit - on February 2nd was memorable. I was granted one of my only days off school this school year. (The day off wasn't to visit a Lush store btw, but to watch the filming of the Sherlock Christmas special). The shop was practically empty - it being 1pm on a Monday - aside from a couple of tourists. Me and my friend entered the store, I knew what I had come for, a popcorn lip scrub that I tried on my previous visit, we walked round the store to the lips scrubs only to be pounced on by one of the workers. She was so nice as all of the Lush staff are and was trying to sway me towards buying the 'Limited Edition Valentines Special The Kiss Lip Scrub' but I stood my ground - I didn't have enough money on me to buy them both, although I did buy the Ickle Baby Bot as well. 

I placed my first order only seven days later on February 9th. I did a little research before placing the order but went out on a whim with most of the products. My order consisted of:
  • 1 x Mother Superior Bubble Bar
  • 1 x The Comforter Bubble Bar
  • 1 x Bubblegrub Bubbleroon
  • 1 x Tiny Hands Solid Hand Cream
  • 1 x 100g Sweetie Pie Shower Jelly
I also requested a few samples, those being:
  • Ocean Salt
  • Pink Fun
  • Rock Star Soap
It was a month later when I next stepped foot in Lush, it was primarily to buy items from the Easter range, the shop was heaving, obviously everyone had the same idea I had. I came out with 5 items, costing me a small fortune: 100g Pot of Gold, Hoppity Poppity, Blackberry Bath Bomb, Honey Bee, and 10g New Charity Pot. I have since already used most of these products and will be posing reviews for them soon.